Hello everyone!I have a BLOG CANDY for you!!!Why?Because I got 15000 hits!!! and 38 followers and many new friendssssHow?Just leave only one comment in this post (please number your comment so them is easier for my to draw the winner) it´s not compulsery to become a follower but if you want I will very happy :), easy peasy isn´t it?
SPREAD THE WORLD! you can made a post with my link, or put the image on your sidebar, just put it in your blog where I can see it
When?It will stay open until the 19 October and I will draw the winner on the 20th of October (my 15 birthday!! yeah!) by Random generator
What contains the blog candy??- 4 different Argentinian design ribbon
- 6 crochet flowers
- 16 little flowers made of ribbon by me :)
- Lots of little butterfly a flowers made of plastic for cards or scrap
- More flower made of rubber (-goma eva- i don´t know how to say it in english... sorry..)
- And of course CANDY!!! Vauquitas!! yummy! Argentina´s candy made of Dulce de Leche

I will put an image on my sidebar with my candy
Good luck!!
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